This workshop was conducted under the supervision of three professors from Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia (Adriana López, Rodrigo Vargas and Oswaldo López) and three professors from the University of Montreal (Gonzalo Lizarralde, Thomas Schweitzer and Amy Oliver).

To see the full program and the list of participants click here.

 [+] Objectives
This seminar / workshop is the result of a series of joint activities between the School of Architecture of Université de Montréal and the School of Architecture of Universidad del Valle in Yumbo and Cali, Colombia.

Its objective was to consolidate and give continuity to collaborative activities that began in 2007. Students from both universities participated in a joint workshop that explored the issues faced by informal neighborhoods in Yumbo, Colombia, and the area’s complex relationship with water.

We examined the fragile links woven between the natural environment, the built environment and the social environment. The workshop aimed to identify vulnerabilities and connect communities to adaptation strategies to improve resilience.


 [+] Methodology
1. Literature review prior to the seminar: This first stage consisted of an analysis of context and site, the identification of problems and the exposition of ethical issues.

2. Ethical positioning of the teams and preliminary design of the project: The fieldwork seminar was held in March 2018. This in-situ seminar, which we consider an essential milestone of our project, promoted a better understanding of specific problems and anchored the study in a concrete context. It introduced the students to the main actors and alternative approaches found in housing and urban planning. Therefore, it was a relevant event for the enrichment of their academic and professional career.

3. Achievement of the complete project by teams: In the last stage, the students developed architectural and urban solutions for the studied topics during the field visit in Colombia.


 [+] Results
The students developed and presented architectural and urban solutions for the topics studied during the field visit in Colombia. The presentations of the four teams can be downloaded here:

Panorama de Oportunidades PDF available here.

Orquideas PDF available here.

Acupuntura Urbana PDF available here.

Panorama sobre Panorama. PDF available here.

Check the simulation videos here.