university teaching and design studios

Dr. Lizarralde has taught in the fields of architectural design, housing, project management, and urban studies. He is responsible for the orientation in "project management of architectural projects" (mgpa) of the Professional Masters in Architecture, École d'architecture, Université de Montréal. He organises the i-Rec international student competition.


 [+] orientation and Masters mgpa

Dr. Lizarralde is affiliated to the program of Project Management of Université de Montréal (Maîtrise en aménagement - option mgpa).

Dr. Lizarralde is in charge of the studio "orientation mgpa" of the École d'architecture of Université de Montréal. He also teaches the course ame6043
"Planification et élaboration de projets d'aménagement" in the same program.

Web site orientation (studio and courses) mgpa
Presentation of the "orientation mgpa"


 [+] previous courses

Dr. Lizarralde has taught more than nine courses and/or studios at the Schools of architecture of:

- McGill University (Canada)
- University of Cape Town (South Africa)
- Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
- Université de Montréal (also at the Institut d'Urbanisme)
- Escuela de Arquitectura & Diseño A. Latina y el Caribe, ISTHMUS, Panama


 [+] invited speaker at:

Private sector:

- The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and the OAQ, Montreal, 2009
- SNC-Lavalin, Profac, « La gestion de projets en entreprise », Toronto, 2007
- ONG Development Action Group, Cape Town, South Africa, 2006
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa, 2006
- Bell Canada (Petits déjeuneurs Bell-LUB) Montréal, 2005

Academic sector:

- Universidade Catolica do Rio, Brazil, 2009
- Columbia University, United States, 2009
- Institut d’Urbanisme, Université de Montréal, Canada, 2009
- Tongji University, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, China, 2008
- Escuela de Arquitectura & Diseño A. Latina & Caribe, ISTHMUS, Panama, 2007
- University of Cape Town (School of Architecture), South Africa, 2006
- Université de Montréal (École d’architecture), Canada, 2006
- Université de Montréal (Institut d’urbanisme), Canada, 2005
- University of Newcastle (School of Architecture), UK, 2004
- Tecnológico de Monterrey (Escuela de Arquitectura), Mexico, 2004
- Asian Institute of Technology (School of Civil Engineering), Thailand, 2003
- Universidad Javeriana (Facultad de arquitectura), Colombia, 2003
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (School of Architecture), USA, 2003

Public lecture Architecture and Democracy, 2006, Abstract, Poster


 [+] publications

Selected speaker for the conferences:

- CIB-W096, Subject: Future Trends in Architectural Management,Taiwan, 2009
- Owner Driven Reconstruction, South Bank University, London, 2009
- Building Abroad, Subject: Procurement in the international context, Montreal, 2008
- i-Rec 08, Subject: Post-disaster housing, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2008
- CIB Int. Congres, Subject: Project management, Cape Town, South Africa, 2007
- i-Rec 06, Subject: The process of reconstruction, Florence, Italy, 2006
- CIBW102, Subject: Building processes and information, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
- i-Rec 04, Subject: The process of reconstruction, Coventry, UK, 2004
- CIB97, Subject: Construction project management, Singapore, 2003
- AIHS, Subject: Housing issues, Montreal, Canada, 2003
- TIEMS, Subject: Reconstruction and emergency, Waterloo, Canada, 2002
- i-Rec 02, Subject: The process of reconstruction, Montreal, Canada, 2002


 [+] publications

Responible for the exhibition of projects of the i-Rec student competition:
- CEPT, Ahmedabad, India, June 2010
- Université de Montréal, Montréal, 2008
- University of Canterbury, Cristchurch, New Zealand, 2008
- Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 2006
- Coventry University, Coventry, UK, 2004
- Université de Montréal, Montréal, 2002

- Exhibition of student projects of architecture of Université de Montréal, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2006
- Construction and exhibition of a post-disaster housing prototype, McGill University, Canada, 2006

- Information booth for grif, Salon de l’habitation de Montréal, Stade Olympique, Montréal, 2002


* Students' work. Gonzalo Lizarralde acknowledges the contribution of the student