During the first part of the meeting, the project researchers presented their progress, highlighting the impact that ADAPTO has on their communities. The team also organized several meetings with the communities and visited the micro-project sites in the municipality of Yumbo. Furthermore, several local actors participated at an International Forum where they signed a commitment agreement.  

 [+] Presentations of the progress of Case Studies and Micro-Projects
The workshop brought together 45 researchers and students from Université of Montréal, McGill University (Canada), Universidad del Valle and Javeriana (Colombia), Universidad del Bio-Bio (Chile), Universidad Central Marta Abreu (Cuba) and the State University of Haiti. These students and teachers worked together with members of the Yumbo and Siloé communities and the authorities of Cali and Yumbo. The team had the opportunity to participate in several collaborative activities. They also explored the generation and application of pedagogical strategies and project management methodologies aimed at adapting to climate change.

The workshops organized by the ADAPTO project seeks to generate intense collaboration between research teams, local communities and students. This collaboration produced the following results:

* A Multidisciplinary Workshop was held with about 30 international students (in architecture, urban planning, engineering, sociology and communication). This workshop was coordinated by 6 teachers and supported by 10 ADAPTO project researchers. The activity generated 4 urban proposals for the Panorama neighborhood in Yumbo.

* The progress on ADAPTO’s micro-projects in Chile, Colombia and Cuba were presented. This allowed researchers from other contexts to learn new methodologies used in each case study.

* Three visits were organized to observe the local initiatives and two dialogues were held with the communities of the Panorama neighborhood in Yumbo and the Siloé neighborhood in Cali. More than 50 actors and local authorities participated in each of these talks.

* A collaboration agreement was signed between more than 50 local and foreign stakeholders, including representatives of the Yumbo planning office and several representatives of communities affected by climate change in the region.

* Finally, an International Forum of Local Initiatives was held with more than 150 participants, including a presentation of the ADAPTO project and the progress of local initiatives in the four countries: Cuba, Chile, Haiti and Colombia.

These workshops are crucial for the ADAPTO project and for the identified communities in the IDRC project. The workshops foster important exchanges between the academy, the community, authorities and professionals. These workshops help to identify potential and existing difficulties (conflicts and tensions) and the best methodologies and opportunities for collaborative innovation around adaptation to climate change. In these workshops, the team transfers knowledge among actors, reinforces local competences, and supports research activities to identify patterns and trends in the development of informal zones. In addition, the workshops raise the awareness of local actors, students, and government representatives to the effects of climate change in areas of high informality.

To consult the full agenda of the workshop,click here.

To consult the report of the Barriers and Opportunities Workshop click here.
