During the first part of the meeting, ADAPTO researchers presented their progress, highlighting the impact of the micro-projects on their communities. A series of meetings between exchange agents from different countries took place. The group also visited micro-project sites in the community of Carahatas. Finally, an International Seminar was held with the participation of the academic community.

A short summary can be seen here.

Below you will find a list of the presentations.

 [+] Presentations of the progress on the Case Studies and Micro-Projects
Micro-projects progress presentation, . U Bio-Bio (Chile), Javier León, Hernán Ascuí, Roberto Burdiles. PDF available here.

Micro-projects progress presentation, U Central (Cuba). Andrés Olivera, Gonzalo Gonzalez. PDF available here.

Micro-projects progress presentation, U Valle (Colombia). Adriana López, Oswaldo López. PDF available here.

Micro-projects progress presentation, U Javeriana (Colombia). Holmes Páez, Julia Diaz. PDF available here.

Micro-projects progress presentation, U de l'État (Haití). Presenta Anne-Marie Petter (UdeM) PDF available here.

Micro-projects progress presentation, Corporación Antioquia Presente (Colombia). Marcela Ochoa, Elsa Monsalve. PDF available here.

You can access the complete agenda of the workshop by clicking here.


 [+] [+] Visit to the town of Carahatas in the Quemado de Güines municipality
Within the framework of the Workshop, a visit was arranged to Carahatas, a town in which the Micro-Projects Resilient Housing, Mujeres del mar and Circle of Interest are developed. The visit allowed for community leaders, local inhabitants and students to meet. They also visited numerous homes that were affected by hurricanes and tropical winds.

Find more information here.

 [+] International seminar
International seminar: "The role of universities in the innovation of the adaptation processes on habitats facing climate change".

ADAPTO’s project Presentation. Gonzalo Lizarralde, Université de Montréal.
PDF available here.

Presentations on the innovation of the adaptation processes on habitats facing climate change:

Andrés Olivera, Universidad Marta Abreu, las Villas, Cuba
PDF available here.

Javier León, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile
PDF available here.

Anne-Marie Petter, Université d’État d’Haïti
PDF available here.

Julia Diaz. Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
PDF available here.

Adriana López, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
PDF available here.

Ernesto Aragón, Presentation of the results of the International student workshop. PDF available here.


